The Corner - New York Techno Label
Ryan Ilano art directs, designs, and produces the visual aesthetic for the Corner, an up-and-coming techno and house label based out of New York City run by Anthony Parasole.

"The aesthetic would be what set The Corner apart—not just from his previous endeavors, but from the raft of DJ-use-only white labels that appeared as the legend of Berghain spread. Where Deconstruct had kept packaging to an absolute minimum, The Corner would embrace it, and Parasole knew the man for the job—Ryan Ilano, a veteran of a Madison Avenue ad agency whose fascination with New York street culture was of a piece with Parasole's. He approached Ilano one night at the Bunker about the project, and Ilano agreed to take it on so long as Parasole gave him complete creative control over the visual end. "All or nothing," Ilano says. "I figured if he was going to ask me to collaborate after seeing me throw gutter imagery over everything I could get my hands on, it'd be worth the risk."
- Jordan Rothlein for Resident Advisor

Shawn O'Sullivan & Civic Duty's Security featured a couple of wasted gangsters at the bottom of an elevator shaft. "I remember telling [Parasole] I felt sick about putting a bunch of dead bodies on the cover," Ilano explains. "I felt sick about it in a good way."